A digital signal has two discrete levels or values. These levels can be represented using the terms ON(HIGH) and OFF(LOW). The two discrete signal levels ON and OFF can also be represented by the binary digits 1 and 0 respectively. A binary digit (0 or 1) is referred to as a bit. Since a digital signal can have only one of the two possible values 1 or 0, the binary number system can be used for the analysis and design of digital systems.
Digital signal
The two levels also be designated as TRUE and FALSE. George Boole introduced the concept of binary number system in the studies of mathematical theory of LOGIC in the work entitled. An 'Investigation of the Laws of Thought' in 1854 and developed its algebra known as Boolean algebra.
These logic concepts have been adapted for the design of digital hardware since 1938 when Claude Shannon-organised and systematized Boole's work in Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits.
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